The Steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord Psalms 37:23- Uncle Sam from Dell, Don, Tasha, Don Francis & Jon-David

Created by May Dell 3 years ago

Uncle Sam's life was truly depicting of the above scripture verse. No one who knew him or even interacted with him for a short while can dispute that he was a man of God!

My childhood life was totally enriched by his nurturing love and affection; he was my Uncle, my friend and my Mentor, not only in the earlier stages of my life but later as an adult. The only difference was that in my adult years the "UNCLE" relationship plateaued into his becoming one of my BEST FRIENDS, where I felt comfortable in referring to him as 'Sam' or "Sambo". I think the love that we both shared just dismantled all barriers and we could relate comfortably on all topics.

The poet, RALPH WALDO EMERSON wrote: "THE HEIGHTS BY GREAT MEN REACHED AND KEPT WERE NOT ATTAINED BY SUDDEN FLIGHT, BUT THEY, WHILE THEIR COMPANIONS SLEPT WERE TOILING UPWARD THROUGH THE NIGHT" This is truly a personification of Uncle Sam. Hard work was no deterrent to his objectives, especially when it brought satisfaction to someone else, even if it took all night.

As my MENTOR, I saw in him the man who had integrity and faithfulness; never condescending, never judgmental, never holding on to the right and always influencing the attitudes of those around him with encouragement, especially his workers. When he returned from a hard day's work driving his truck in JAMAICA, I noticed that he would deny himself  to make sure that his workers were fed first. This was a valuable lesson among others which he displayed. 

As a son, a brother, an uncle and a relative, he was impartial and showed love to everyone. He was loved by all.

His family, Flor his wife and his children, have had a very special relationship with Don (my husband) and my children, Natasha, Don Francis, & Jon-David. We have always had great fun together on their many trips to Jamaica. The first thing Sam did after dropping his bags, he would  "check out" the fruit trees and the garden for green mangoes, oranges and sweet sop. He absolutely lived and breathed farming (his first love) which he enjoyed so very much all his life. In fact I still remember visiting the well farmed  allotment which he and Will cultivated, when I was in London in 2017.

Don and I and our children and the rest of the family will always remember him for the caring and loving person he was and we know that we shall see him again as in  1Thessalonians 4:13-17. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. AMEN

DELL (niece)

PS Don has attached a song by the Gaithers (how beautiful Heaven must be) to be played at the service if possible.